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Nutritionist | Evidence-Based Nutrition  & Excercise


Here at Fitt Life our force behind Nutrition is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term diet and nutrition goals. Each Client is individually evaluated and provided with a well researched and comprehensive plan they can follow. 

Have You Struggled with being consistent with your nutrition? 

" I am good all week, but the weekends throw everything off."

-You will learn to find ease with your eating habits in every situation.

"I'll go a few days following my macros, and then I get bored and go back to old habits."

-You need to follow a plan that is the easiest for you to follow and learn that it is okay to have some flexibility with your food so you don't yo-you. 

"My schedule makes it hard to stick to a plan, life is pretty unpredictable. "

-Learn how to confidently adjust on the fly with a coach or program.

You Can have ease with your eating. We will help you get there! 

You will feel confident eating with friends and family!

You will feel comfortable and confident eating at restaurants and traveling! 

You will feel confident maintaining your transformation for the rest of your life! 

Stay Lean For Life, the Fitt Life Way.

Your plan is based on your Schedule, Habits, and Preferences it will feel easier to follow than anything you've ever tried before. 

Looking to Start Quickly- $50.00

Get a personalized macro based on your body composition plus a 30min Nutrition Lifestyle Coaching session in person or on the phone.  Your customized assessment will include calorie, macronutrient, and supplement recommendations and suggestions for improving your fitness and lifestyle.



There Is Only One of You. We believe in Customized Nutrition based on your Specific Needs, which can include Nutritional habits,  Hormonal Control, Stress Management, as well as Inflammation Control. Each person has his or her own food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. In Our  Nutrition Coaching Program, we will support you in making positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, personal preferences, and background. Working with the principle that no one diet works for everyone and the holistic approach, we will customize and personalize your plan Just for you.

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League City, Texas 77573

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