“So I feel the need to mention my intake on the Keto Diet. As we know the keto diet is a diet with high fats, moderate protein, and very restrictive carbohydrates."
I would like to mention, When Fat loss is your Goal, then preserving muscle mass is important. Think, the more muscle you retain, the more fat you lose.
On a Keto Diet, Protein is set around 15-20%. If you are a client of ours, training, and/or if you train yourself, this is nowhere near the sufficient amount of protein required to keep your body functioning, or enough to preserve muscle. The recommended amount of protein is between 0.8-1.2g per pound of body weight. You need this amount to preserve and grow muscle while aiding recovery. When you are working out your body requires glycolysis, (the breakdown of sugar to supply energy). On the Keto diet your body is relying on fat for energy, which leave you with nothing in the tank to supply the energy you need for your workout.
The other issue with Keto, is the fact that some rave about not having to count calories because they are eating a lot of Fats. You cannot override the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. You need to pay attention to the amount your eating, especially since your focus is consuming the majority of calories coming from FATS. Fats contain double the amount of calories vs. Protein, and Carbs.
You will also eat fewer fruits and vegetables and we all know the importance of both.
When your on the Keto diet dehydration occurs. When you Stop eating carbs your body will drop water, Yes (for every one gram of carb you consume your body will retain 3-4g of water) However when water drops so does electrolytes, salt, potassium, and magnesium. We all know how important Electrolytes are. The people that are on the keto diet need to realize that the first part of their weight loss is mainly water, not fat! Without proper hydration you will most definitely feel an imbalance, severe cramping, weak muscle, feel nauseous, have irregular heartbeat, and feel fatigue.
(Need I mention the taste in your mouth, plus some funky breath)
I am not saying the Keto diet is bad. I am not saying NO ONE SHOULD EVER TRY IT. I am simply stating facts relevant to our clients and why this type of diet would not favor them. Their workouts require Carbs, Energy, Strength, Focus, ect.
Who does the Keto apply to: If you prefer higher fat foods, If you are insulin resistant, or if you are obese then the Keto may work in your favor.”